What a wonderful opportunity to gather together with our camp community on November 11th at Markham Missionary Church!

The afternoon began with our Annual Members Meeting, an essential part of our organization’s role as a not-for-profit and charity. We appreciate those who contributed helpful questions to the conversation. Thanks to all who attended!

We moved from business to celebration with a great evening at the fall fundraising banquet, with approximately 100 supporters in attendance. We heard inspiring stories from campers, volunteers, and our managing directors, we appreciated music by Elena Cimolai and Matt Peter, and we enjoyed a delicious meal by Laurie Carstake and her team with decadent desserts from The Comfort Food Kitchen.

There are many to thank for helping to make the banquet a success:

Thanks to Markham Missionary Church for being gracious hosts. To John & Elaine and Barry & Beverley, for all their work with setting up the church. To Elena and Matt for their gift of music. To John & Heidi for their wonderful work as MC’s. To Laurie and team for the delicious meal and work cleaning up, and Rebecca and Janet for the donation of the wonderful desserts. To all who spoke and shared stories at the banquet. To Gwen and Verlie for taking care of payments and donations. To Sarah for her work organizing the silent auction and Rachel for creating beautiful centrepieces. Special thanks to the whole Promotions and Fundraising Committee for hours of planning, preparation and work to make this special event happen.

Thanks to all who donated and bid on items at the silent auction. Between donations and ticket proceeds, we received a surplus of $4200. We are grateful for your generosity!

And thank you to all who attended – we are so grateful for your support of life-changing camp ministry at Stayner and Mishewah!

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